Give the Gift of Health


At the Clackamas Free Clinic, we provide comprehensive medical care to the uninsured in Clackamas County, through the efforts and expertise of volunteer medical and lay personnel, at no charge to the patient. Your gift to CFC ensures that those in our community without access to health insurance are provided free care, creating a healthier, happier community for everyone. Thank you for your generosity!

All donations are tax deductible to the full extent allowed by law. Clackamas Free Clinic is a 501 (C)(3) non profit organization, EIN 37-161141.


Donate Online

Financial support from our community is crucial to ensure healthcare is available for everyone. Call 503-722.4400 if you would prefer to donate by phone.


We understand that not everyone can afford to give money but want to help. We have several ways you can support our clinic through volunteering.


CVIM is happy to accept limited donations of certain medical and office supplies. You can donate specific supplies that our needed at the clinic

Amazon Smile

When you shop (Smile.Amazon.Com) you can now support CVIM with every purchase you make. Just choose Clackamas Volunteers in Medicine as your 501(c)(3) from the list provided and a percentage of your purchase comes back to CVIM

Bottle Drop

Pick up a specially labeled Bottle Drop bag from the CVIM Clinic. Fill it as full as you can and drop off at any Redemption Center near you.

Clackamas Volunteers in Medicine will receive 100% of the deposit….woo hoo! We all win.

Fred Meyer Rewards

You can support CVIM just by shopping Fred Meyer with your Rewards Card.Link you Fred Meyer card to CVIM and each time you shop we will earn a donation! You still earn your rewards, fuel points, and rebates, just as you do every time you use your Reward Card.

Get in Touch. Get Involved.

Inside Clairmont Hall

On the campus of CCC

Oregon City, OR 97045 


P.O. Box 2592
Oregon City, OR 97045



CVIM's Tax ID Number is 37-1621141.

All donations are tax deductible to the full extent allowed by law. Clackamas Volunteers in Medicine (CVIM)-The Founders Clinic is a 501 (C)(3) non profit organization.

Review our financials on Guidestar.