Through these truly challenging times, we have been so impressed by the strength of our friends and neighbors throughout Clackamas County, by our local business community that has helped lift others up, while struggling to keep their doors open, and by you. Your commitment to CVIM has helped us find new ways to meet the needs of our patients in this most unpredictable year.
We have much work to do as we enter the new year. Families across Clackamas County will continue to feel the ripple effects of this past year as jobs and housing may change, their economic security becomes less secure and, quite possibly, their access to healthcare goes away. For our many patients who need care for existing chronic conditions, access to medical care is vital. Help us provide essential health care to our community with a gift today.

Every gift makes impact!
No gift is too small— $13 can cover the cost of diabetic lab work—and small recurring donations help the clinic run sustainably all year. Your generosity helps our patients live more secure and healthy lives!

Your generosity changes lives.
The impact these donations make are transformative to our ability to provide life-changing, life-saving medical attention—expert care given with respect, kindness and compassion.
A recurring monthly gift starting from just $25 a month makes a huge impact and provide long-term sustainability to our clinic!
A gift of $1,000 can keep our vision clinic running for a month—providing essential optometry care, and prescription lenses to patients.
Patient Visit
A gift of $200 can cover the cost of a patient visit. Everything from start to finish— consultation to supporting lab work. Relieving patients of this burden means they don’t have to choose between rent and their healthcare.
Consider a long-term gift that will impact our community for generations to come. If you are interested in making a planned gift email dd@clackamasvim.org, today.
Make a life-changing gift today!
Get in Touch. Get Involved.
Inside Clairmont Hall
On the campus of CCC
Oregon City, OR 97045
P.O. Box 2592
Oregon City, OR 97045
CVIM's Tax ID Number is 37-1621141.
All donations are tax deductible to the full extent allowed by law. Clackamas Volunteers in Medicine (CVIM)-The Founders Clinic is a 501 (C)(3) non profit organization.